Home, high magick and altar making

Lately I’ve been more inclined to communicate poetically. Opting for free verse speaking, spontaneous song, incantations and blessings over small talk and grammatically correct sentences. My heart speaks easily in this way, so I am letting her speak out and speak true.

In the spirit of all things poetic…here is a bit of free verse about home, heart magick, and creating altars. I hope you enjoy it…and drop me a line if you are inspired, I’d love to here about your unique magick making! We are all in this together.


being myself

altar-ing my way home again

into my heart’s hearth

my truest truth

arted apart

far from the land

far from the solid home base

I yearn for

I dream of


not yet

it seems a gypsy woman has pulled me aside with a fluid stride

all flowing skirt and wild hair

guitar at the ready

oh, she can do the typical gypsy thing

but no

not this time…


She shows me…is this real?


she shows me how I am of this lineage

I am of this caravan of souls

not to be discarded as something I don’t prefer

rather a celebration of home

a celebration of a truth that speaks so loudly it is easy to miss

so simple and true

green glass and whiskey she sets down

“drink this” she says

it will help ease the sting

of letting go of those cherished notions

making way for resplendent potions

of power-full NOW

re-woven into tapestries brought in from future visions

made to fit

custom order your own reality

it is Up to you

it actually IS up to you

even when others tell you otherwise




violets blooming out side the barred window of a dungeon

violets…of course

Be the violets

and be free!

so beautiful

so unafraid to be

so unafraid to shine

so unafraid of purple hues and dew

so much and so natural

so YOU too

so much

too much?!

nay…not enough

give way my dearest gypsy girl, let your truth spill out from you

on highest stilts you topple

but rooted to earth and you are unstoppable

stars are at your bidding

cause your heart is up to snuff

open and tender

not to be rebuffed!

So hold tight and hold steady

all is so well

nothing to it

and be well

this is your lineage

a long awaited path

be joyful

for all awaits you…YES!