Art & Biscuit

What is Art and Biscuit?

A vision of an artful life where biscuits and beauty abound...a biscuit can be many things: the ones you eat warm with butter and honey, the joy found in things made with hand and heart, or the ‘dough’ you generate to support more life. . . and Beauty, well, she speaks for herself and is unique to each one of us.

a lovely space

    illumined with grace

        art everywhere

            linen bound books to hold

                 hot biscuits on hand

                      faery treats and a minstrel band

                          just folks having fun

                              drinking tea

                                  until the setting sun

                                       sinks low in the sky

                                            and the twinkle lights swing high

                                                a place that is always warm

                                                     a shelter from the storm...

Here’s Jane, my superhero friend and alter ego in her creative flow.

Jane is a big supporter of ART AND BISCUIT-ING fact here she is making her delicious one of a kind biscuits. Stick around and she’ll serve one up with some tea and honey!

 Sending Art and Biscuit blessingsyour way! Faery on and be well.