These are times of Great Change. We are each on a unique journey to discover our truth and our joy. It can be rough going. Good Company is at hand if needed. Here are some resources that have helped and inspired me tremendously. I call them revolutionary resources, may they bring you closer to the magical one of a kind spirit spark that you are! We’re all in this together. Enjoy.

BIO-REPROGRAMMING – Isabella Benarous : BioReprogramming® is a method that permits to unlock and resolve the emotional distress related to illness or unwanted behavior. Through the analyses and the decrypting of subconscious programs, it will also permit the prevention of health disorders.

ERICA TANOV – 1827 4th St. Berkeley, Ca : a confluence of exquisite clothing, home goods, ceramics, vintage finds, local art, and handmade leather goods. This small boutique offers up something quite rare, which is why I am including it as a brick and mortar resource for all who venerate beauty and the art of cultivating it. Go visit and be inspired!

FIDDLER’S GREEN Peculiar Parish Magazine – editor Clint Marsh : If you wish to hold something of tangible beauty and old school craft in your hands look no further! Art & Magic for Tea-Drinking Anarchists, Convivial Conjurors & Closeted Optimists.

THE GENE KEYS – Richard Rudd : Embracing Your Higher Purpose. A profoundly poetic transmission that invites the incandescence in each human being to flower. I wept when I read the introduction of this book, it spoke to the gentle warrior inside me, handed me a map of my soul without claiming one ounce of my own authority and whispered ‘your very DNA is listening to you’.

KAKAO – Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate : If you are at all interested in high vibrational food, rekindling pleasure, and opening your heart more to yourself and to life take note! Deep gratitude to Makenzie and Michael McPherson, the Co-Founders of KAKAO. This is the real deal, as are they. Order a bag, grab your most cherished mug and slow down. This is sacred medicine that will change you.

LOVE YOUR DESIGN – Kim Gould : teaches, mentors and coaches people to access their own unique way to create meaningful change using Emergent Human Design.

NGOC MINH NGO – Photography : sometimes I come upon images that allow me to dream deep and high. Ngoc Minh Ngo’s photos take me into the realms of beauty in a way only photography can! http://Ngocminhngo

SOMATIC COACHING & HEALING – Marla Tofle : learn practical tools to self regulate and ride the unexpected waves of life. Marla is a long time practitioner of Zapchen Somatics and is a true embodiment of its blessing.

STARGATE EXPERIENCE ACADEMY : The Stargate is an inter-dimensional doorway that facilitates healing on all levels, DNA reactivation and the awareness of one’s Quantum Self.

STAR SPARKS – 360 Windows into the Heart of the Zodiac by Ellias Lonsdale with Sheila Bachmeier : Star Sparks captures the pristine awareness of each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, based on the Chandra Symbols – keys for entering the soul. Deep Astrology is a lost art, here revived for a civilization in dire need of straight talk from the soul.

THE SOPHIA CODE by Kaia Ra : a living transmission from the Sophia Dragon Tribe to activate your divine genome and initiate you into living in your Higher Self embodiment.

ZAPCHEN SOMATICS – Julie Henderson : The practices and principles of Zapchen Somatics are a direct approach to embodying well-being, otherwise referred to as “feeling as good as you can…in spite of everything.”
