Today I took a drive over the Richmond bridge from Bolinas to Berkeley. I’d heard that Erica Tanov was going to be at Flowerland for a book signing. I simply had to be there. Two of my favorite sources of ispiration were going to converge…and how miraculous that there is a bridge that spans the bay waters to take me there.
How many times have I made my way to 4th Street or Solano Ave. for reasons simple and complex. My antenna tuned up and my subtle feelers what they are, my heart knows beauty and gravitates to the sacred spaces that second as nursery and clothing boutique.
Erica Tanov’s berkeley shop speaks to me. I step in and hear music being played in the form of color and line and texture. My cells get all happy in a way I can’t explain. There is a full spectrum attention to detail that feels natural and un-forced…and an opulence that is ever present. My own faery dragon goddess weave feels honored by it. If there were a corner to make an offering I would…I guess you could say that in essence the exchange of money for service of this caliber is just that…a full circle giving and receiving that allows for the whole thing to hum so beautifully.
Flower land is my East Bay Shangrala. Life is good there. Every corner is arranged with foliage and flower combinations that make me giddy. Delight would be my word of choice. It would be a haven of horticultural inspiration just by its nursery self, but it doesn’t stop there. The airstream trailer with magic folks inside producing delicious things that they then hand out to you as they speak your name. The places to sit amongst the plants and people as the sunlight finds it’s way through serpentine sky fog and leaves. The gift shop that is so stunningly curated it makes even the most elegant and sophisticated parts of me drool.
Taken together…there’s nothing to say but yes please.
The most wonderful part though, was meeting Erica, and sharing a few words of gratitude and simple presence. I felt beauty in her being and was inspired by it. Her work feels to me like a simple out pouring of what is so obviously within her and all around her. I was reminded of the magic and power of beauty in all it’s many forms and could feel the strumming of that resonance in me. So in deep appreciation I whirl, bow and declare that yes…beauty is indeed everywhere! Thank you Erica for reminding me.
As always Faery ON with your wild and wonderful self…and I invite you to consider…Peace is here…Gnomes are real…You can Relax now.
with love, Jani Gillette June 17 2018