Art in the Open

Ahoy there friends,

For the last few months I have been bringing my art Out in the Open here in Cupertino. It is an artistic experiment, an act of merry making, and a mystery. My impulse is to step out of my own box and create an artful life that delights me one simple step at a time. So join me if it pleases you! I have been unfolding my wooden table at various tree lined spots along De Anza Blvd. between Infinity Loop and Lazaneo:)

Stop by and say hi…make a call on the magic Faery Phone…play the kazoo…infuse your afternoon with art…or simple wave as you wander by.

I have been coming out on Thursdays or Fridays depending on the wind direction and bird song of the particular day.

Be well and Faery on with your fabulous one of a kind self!